What We Do

Africa is the continent most afflicted by morbidity and death from respiratory disease.

As well as the burden of pneumonia and HIV-related respiratory illness including TB, there is an increasing problem with asthma and tobacco related disease. Biomass fuel use is ubiquitous and likely to be a major contributor to the prevalence of both pulmonary infection and COPD. Children under 15 years make up almost 50% of the population in African countries; childhood respiratory illness is the major cause of paediatric morbidity, health care utilization and mortality in Africa.

Overall Aim

To promote lung health in Africa.

Specific Aims

Promote education, training, research, advocacy, prevention of disease, optimal care and development of capacity nationally to promote lung health.


  • To further develop and maintain the website.
  • To establish a database of respiratory health related issues.
  • Promote collaboration between organizations and individuals whose aims are to promote lung health.
  • Encourage and expand membership of PATS.
  • Advocate and make representation for African respiratory health in global forums.
  • To develop capacity for research in respiratory health by training in the PATS-MECOR programme.
  • Encourage best practices for the prevention and management of respiratory diseases.